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November 3rd Newsletter

Kathryn Russell

Nov 3, 2023



It’s been quite a journey we’ve been on together this year as I began my quest for the First Selectwoman position in Deep River.  In May, I began talking with merchants, and in June, I started going door to door, asking Deep River residents, “What’s On Your Mind?”.  I’ve knocked 1,337 so far. Since early July, I’ve been sharing some of what our neighbors have told me in my weekly newsletters.

Now I want to share my priorities as First Selectwoman with you.  If you choose me, I will strive for:

Lower Taxes

This is the top concern of Deep River residents. I will approach this concern through a combination of economic growth and vigorous cost control.

Intelligent Economic Development and Growth

I plan to work with leaders in town to execute a plan of structured outreach to key industries and businesses to expand the tax-paying business base in Deep River. This work will focus on process and communication redesign to clearly share the message that “Deep River is business-friendly”.


Cost Control

I will examine town programs and processes to determine how they can operate more cost-efficiently. As education is 69% of our budget, I will work closely with our school boards and the Regional Superintendent to maintain the quality of the education provided, while reducing the cost of education delivery.

Management With a Maintenance Mindset

I will examine each property the Town owns, look at each building and property’s current maintenance schedule, and will assess the life of the various elements of the property.  I will foster a maintenance mindset throughout Town operations.


Revitalized of Boards and Committees

Volunteers are the lifeblood of our boards and committees, and we are fortunate to have many dedicated residents serving on our boards. I will involve a broader spectrum of the community to ensure that a diversity of thought and skill is engaged in working on our town issues. I plan on regular discussions between various boards and the Board of Selectmen to align the various board activities with the overarching priorities of our Town. 

Strategic Plan Integration/Efficient Program Execution

As First Selectwoman, I plan to put the strategic planning, leadership, and communication skills I learned over a successful business career to work for you. I will encourage each Board, Commission, and work team to clearly identify their top strategic goals, and I will make these goals readily accessible to the public. I will integrate the vision, priorities and projects detailed in our various plans, structure program reviews, and drive accountability for program execution.


I will work with the State Department of Transportation, local law enforcement officers, our merchants, and residents to address the issue of speeding on multiple roads in our town (Main Street, Rattling Valley Road, Union Street, Spring Street, W. Elm Street).

Direct and Clear Communications

I will review the current methods of town communications, figure out how they can be streamlined and improved to make it easier for you to know the important issues. I will ensure that issues, meetings, and communications are handled with transparency and accountability. I commit to asking the hard questions and working towards consensus. 


As First Selectwoman, I plan to foster an environment of respect for each other, for the quality of our work, and for the quality of the services we provide our Town residents. I will always listen to you, show you respect and follow up on your issues. 

Keep the Focus On Deep River, Not on Politics

It will be a key priority for me to work across party lines with Democrats, Republicans, the Unaffiliated, the uninterested and those totally turned off by the state of politics in our country today. With less than 5,000 people in our Town, we are too small to be driven by partisan politics or fractured by national issues which cannot be solved on the local level.

When you make your decision on November 7th, please choose Deep River’s next leader by her skills, education, and experience, rather than by her political party alone. 

Thank you for your ongoing support of my campaign.

Warm Regards,




Kathryn Russell


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