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July 6th Newsletter

Kathryn Russell

Jul 6, 2023

Your Top Two Concerns: High Taxes and Poor Communications


The Russell For Deep River Campaign is off to a vigorous start. 

All of you living in Deep River received a printed mailer from me this past week, announcing my run for the First Selectwoman position. Several of you reached back to me through the “Contact” button on my website and shared your thoughts and concerns about the future of our Town. 

These thoughts mirrored what I have been hearing since I began “door knocking” outreach two weeks ago, hearing from people face to face about what concerns them most about life today in Deep River. The two biggest themes so far have been the high municipal taxes, and the perceived lack of communication from our current Selectmen. 

My plan for managing municipal taxes is two-fold. First, we MUST expand the base of tax-paying businesses in Town. This will require the development of an economic development strategic plan, and active management of the execution of that plan. Because education costs comprise 69% of our municipal budget, we must work more closely, consistently and positively with our school boards and the Regional Superintendent on lowering these costs while still maintaining the quality of the education provided. We cannot continue on the same expense trajectory and expect to have more funds for municipal improvements, or a lower mill rate. Fresh thinking and fresh thinkers are needed to look at the situation from a new and creative perspective. 

The second theme - - lack of communication and/or disrespectful communication really resonated with me because I personally experienced it over the past several years. As First Selectwoman, I plan to put my marketing and communication skills to work. I will always listen to you, show you respect, and follow up on your issues. 

Thank you for your continued interest and support of my campaign. 

Warm regards,


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